Network Providers

Level 3UUNETTime Warner
Level 3
Completed 2001, the Level 3 Network today operates as one of the world's newest and most advanced telecommunications platforms.

The network spans 23,000 intercity route miles and delivers services to customers in major markets across the United States and Europe. It serves a substantial number of the world's largest and most sophisticated communications companies, including inter-exchange carriers, local phone companies, European PTTs, cable operators, ISPs, wireless companies, content providers, and media and entertainment companies.

The Level 3 Network was the first international network in the world built to be continuously upgradeable and fully optimized for Internet Protocol. Because the network was constructed with multiple conduits, Level 3 can deploy new generations of optical fiber and equipment far more quickly and economically than its competitors - a critical capability in an era of rapid technological change.

The Smithsonian Institution has recognized the Level 3 Network as an important component of the ongoing revolution in communications and information technology. In April 2000, the Smithsonian cited Level 3 as a Computerworld Laureate for its historic achievement in creating a new kind of network infrastructure. The Smithsonian noted that Level 3 is changing communications at a fundamental level - and "helping to stimulate the biggest change in communications technology in 100 years."

UUNET (Verizon Business: a brand of Verizon, formerly MCI)
With over 98,000 route-miles of fiber connecting 87,000 buildings, UUNET is by far the largest and fastest fiber-data network on the planet!

Time Warner Telecom
Time Warner Telecom is rated the #1 Commercial ISP in the USA by Network Magazine.
Their massive network infrastructure, with over 17,000 route-miles of fiber, allows peering with a high percentage of residential connections.
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